Friday, December 26, 2008


You're looking for a job. You need money. HELP! Hmmmm. . . why not babysitting? Everyone else does it. It couldn't be that bad. Go to someone's house, watch their kid for an hour, put them to bed, and finish it off with an ice cream sunday and T.V. Not bad. And you get paid for all of it too. WRONG!!!!!!!!! It's kids. They're not easy. They can find ways out of anything and they will NOT go to bed (the first time at least). If you want to babysit, you have to be ready and prepared so that you're not screaming and yelling "HELP!!!!" all around the house on your first night (or day). Babysitting also isn't just at night. I've had a few morning jobs in the summer while the mom went to work. But the point is: be ready for anything people!!! Come on! No one's going to help you. You're the one in charge.

Why (I created this blog)

Well, I created this blog because I know that there are a bunch of girls (and guys) out there looking for help with babysitting things. I personally was just looking for tips myself and then I thought, why not make a blog with help? This won't just be my work, I'm asking my friend, Kiera to help me. She's been doing it longer, so she has a little bit more experience. So I'll stop blabbering me, and let you read my tips. =^)